Florida students who are not full-time private or public school students may be eligible for a personalized education program (PEP) through the Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship Program. Eligible PEP students will be granted an educational savings account to help fund their educational needs.
A “personalized education program” means the sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his or her parent to satisfy the attendance requirements of ss. 1003.01(13) and 1003.21(1) while registered with an eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organization pursuant to s. 1002.395.
Parents/guardians of PEP students must annually: 1) submit a Student Learning Plan* to their SFO, 2) require their students to take a FL DOE approved national norm-referenced test and submit the results to their SFO, and 3) sign a sworn compliance statement with their SFO. The law limits the PEP program to 20,000 students for the 2023-24 school year. Once that limit is reached, no additional PEP students may be funded. Please consider that before deciding how you intend to use your student’s FTC scholarship. The program will grow by 40,000 students per year thereafter.
*A “Student Learning Plan” (SLP) means a customized learning plan developed by a parent, at least annually, to guide instruction for his or her student and to identify the goods and services needed to address the academic needs of his or her student.
2025-26 School Year – Applications
Renewing applicants: As required by law, our 2025-26 renewal scholarship application submission window was opened on Saturday, February 1, 2025 and will close on Tuesday, April 30, 2025. Renewing families were emailed an invitation on February 1 to apply as Renewal Priority applicants.
New applicants: As required by law, our 2025-26 new scholarship application submission window was opened on Saturday, February 1, 2025 and will close on Tuesday, April 30, 2025. Please click on the following link to access the application: https://app.aaascholarships.org/submit-application
Already submitted your application? Click here to check the status.
2024-25 School Year – Applications
Our 2024-25 scholarship application submission window is now closed. The application submission deadline was Tuesday, September 3, 2024. If your application was submitted by that date, it will be processed in the order received. If it was submitted after that date, it will not be processed.
Your 2024-2025 school year application must have included one Household application and at least one Student application (including supporting documents) to activate the green “Submit Application” button.
You must have clicked on the green “Submit Application” button to submit your application to us for processing. You would have received an email confirmation from us once your application was submitted.
If you have questions about applying, please leave us a message at 888-707-2465 and we will call you back.
Already submitted your application? Click here to check the status.
¿Ya envió su solicitud para el año escolar 2024-25? Verifique el estado de su solicitud de beca basada en ingresos de 2024-2025 enviada*
*Cómo configurar la solicitud de beca en línea de AAA para que se muestre en español
**By law, dependent children of members of the United States Armed Forces may apply at any time for a scholarship, however, that does not mean that funding is guaranteed. If the link to the application is not available above, please contact us by using our Contact Us page or by leaving us a message at 888-707-2465 so that we may provide you with it directly.
If your address or email has changed since you’ve applied with us, please let us know on the Contact Us page and let us know or leave us a message at 888-707-2465.
Summary of AAA’s PEP scholarship process
- Interested families will annually apply with AAA.
- AAA will submit the information of eligible students to the FL DOE to determine whether they are within the PEP funding limit of 20,000 students.
- The FL DOE will periodically report to AAA the funded PEP students.
- AAA will notify the families of their funding status.
- Funded PEP families will fill out and submit AAA’s online Student Learning Plan (SLP) form for each of their PEP students***.
- AAA will review each submitted SLP form and determine whether it is complete.****
- If an SLP is determined incomplete, an email will be sent requesting additional information/clarification to the email address on file.
- AAA will fund the PEP accounts for students with completed SLP forms.
- Funded PEP families will request reimbursements for authorized educational uses of their student’s PEP scholarship account via a PEP Parent Reimbursement Request form.
***Need help preparing your PEP student’s SLP? The Association of Florida Evaluators may be able to help.
****If your student is enrolled in a school district home education program, you must disenroll them before your SLP will be reviewed. Here is a home education termination form that you can use for that purpose.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please go to our Contact Us page and let us know or leave us a message at 888-707-2465.
Authorized educational uses of a funded PEP scholarship account
PEP/FTC – Purchasing Handbook for 2024-2025
Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the PEP Program
PEP Optional Pre-Authorization Form – Use this form to request a pre-authorization for an item or service that may be eligible if required by your selected curriculum or instructional material.
PEP Parent and Guardian Expense Reimbursement Form – Use this form to request a reimbursement for eligible purchases from the eligible student’s PEP scholarship account administered by AAA.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please go to our Contact Us page and let us know or leave us a message at 888-707-2465.
Scholarship Management Platform (“SMP”)
We are excited to announce that our upgraded and improved SMP is back online for the 2025-26 school year.
Important Notice: New Account Creation Required for the 2025-2026 School Year
All users must create a new account and password for the 2025-2026 school year. To ensure you have access to all the new features and improvements, it is essential that you set up a new account, even if you used the previous system.
Please follow the instructions on the login page (or email sent if renewal) to create your new account and get started. Thank you for your cooperation! We are confident that the new system will provide you with an enhanced experience.
Have a question about the SMP? Please go to the Contact Us page of our website or leave us at message at 888-707-2465 so we can call you back.
More helpful information:
PEP/FTC – Purchasing Handbook for 2024-2025
Frequently Asked Questions about the PEP Program
Link to list of FL DOE approved norm-referenced assessments
PEP/FTC – Maximum Scholarship Award Values for 2024-2025
Link to FTC and FES-EO Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for 2023-2024
FTC/FES-EO/PEP Parent and School Handbook for 2024-2025
Need help finding a choice navigator? The Association of Florida Evaluators may be able to help.
Collection and Use of Social Security Numbers
Link to order a copy of a Florida birth certificate: Birth | Florida Department of Health (floridahealth.gov)
Email for submitting application documentation: fldocs@aaascholarships.org
If you have any questions or would like more information, please go to our Contact Us page and let us know or leave us a message at 888-707-2465.